You are here: About repositories > Configuring a repository > Creating a new property

Creating a new property

In most scenarios, the properties that are defined in the source system of the repository are sufficient. However, in some cases, you might want to create additional properties in the repository, like:

To create a new property:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the REPOSITORIES group, click Repositories. The Repositories page appears and lists the existing Meridian Explorer repositories and Meridian Enterprise vaults.
  2. Double-click the name of the repository that you want to which you want to add the property. The Overview page for the repository appears.
  3. In the menu, click MANAGEMENT TOOLS. The management tool s for the selected repository appear.
  4. In the METADATA group, click MANAGE. The Metadata page appears.
  5. In the menu, click DOCUMENT, OBJECT TAG, or PROJECT according to the item type to which you want to add the property. A list of the properties for the item type appears, grouped by property set.

    The internal names in the properties appear in the NAME column. The corresponding display names of the properties appear in the DISPLAY NAME column. Additional information appears in subsequent columns only for properties.

  6. To filter the list of properties for easier selection:
    1. Type the beginning of a property name in the search box and click the filter icon . The list is filtered on the text that you typed. By default, the filter is applied to the display name. To filter on the internal name instead, click the arrow next to Display name and then click Name.
    2. To remove the name filter, remove the text that you typed and click the filter icon . The full list of properties is shown.
  7. In the toolbar, click Create New. The NEW PROPERTY dialog box appears.
  8. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  9. Click OK. The page refreshes to show the new property added to the list.
New property options
Option Description

Property set

Select a property set name from the list in which you want to add the property.


The internal name of the property.

Display name

The name of the property as it should appear to users.

Data type

The data type of the property.

Related concepts

Configuring a Meridian Explorer repository

Related tasks

Configuring item names and indexing